Wisconsin Poker Club
Players of the Month
January Al Chiozzi 93 PTS
February Matt Hagen 124 PTS
March Matt Rothschild 87 PTS
April Joe Donny 109 PTS
May Larry Wagner 105 PTS
June Mike Gartner 122 PTS
July Basim Habib 173 PTS
August Mike Gartner 197 PTS
Leaderboards for Player of the Year and Player of the month will be calculated using a points system. Points will be awarded as follows:
2 pts for playing in a tourney + extra points for placing in the money.Extra points calculated as follows
1st gets (#of entries) * 100%
2nd gets (#of entries) * 75%
3rd gets (#of entries) * 55%
4th gets (#of entries) * 40%
5th gets (#of entries) * 30%
6th gets (#of entries) * 20%
7th gets (#of entries) * 15%
8th gets (#of entries) * 10%
9th gets (#of entries) * 5%
10th gets (# of entries) * 3%